Inspirational Wisdom Quotes on Spiritual Growth
by Alison Stormwolf
It is our responsibility to grow spiritually. I believe we are here to evolve our souls through many life lessons. Sadly many live and die in a state of unawareness or even disinterest. With the New Age well upon us, we are at last being given many options of developing ourselves spiritually. Ancient knowledge is now freely available that was only to be found in secret societies and specialist books when I was a child.
There are countless people jumping on the bandwagon however, and we need to use our inbuilt 'discernment' to know who to trust and what ways are right for us. I also notice a distinct lack of 'grounding' in certain areas and that speaks for itself to me. However, I do get excited to see the breaking down of barriers and the opening out of closed minds as more and more people are embracing the realisation that we are far more than a physical body, and that to be whole we need to tend the totality of us... body, mind and spirit.
One weekend's teachings.
Transfer of money
Hey presto you are a master?
Oh, for your very soul's sake
Look within
And think again.
It is earned.
If that were the case,
All manner of fools
Would call themselves 'Master'.
Seen and listened to many.
My greatest teachers did not have letters
After their name,
Nor did they look to others for authenticity.
I met some real ones...
Always was my being brought
To my knees in humility...
Beware of false prophets.
Surrounding those who need elevation.
Yes, and it may come
But it will bring them to earth eventually -
Naked, shamed and needy.
The elders have wisdom.
Humble yourselves in the way
Of the wise ones.
Ask for assistance,
For the invisible will not come to full vessels
Too sure of their own ways...
Remember this.
Copyright © Alison Stormwolf. All Rights Reserved.