Motivational & Inspirational Wisdom Quotes by Alison Stormwolf
Quotes to me are little inspirational wisdom gifts taken from life experiences and passed on to others in the hope of offering guidance, upliftment, companionship and a sense of affinity on this journey through life, and encourage awakening to our self worth so that we may learn to live in our Authentic Power. My quotes cover a whole range of life lessons, thoughts & feelings on love, life, relationships, gratitude, peace, death, difficulties, depression, fear, forgiveness, self worth, joy, happiness, faith and more.
The motivational quotes presented here are my own and come from my experiences, and I present them to you in the hope you enjoy them and that many resonate deeply in your being. That is my intention... always for the highest good. Namaste!

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To think deeply is a double edged sword... at times I used to wish I was not so deeply curious about everything, but experience has taught me that it is in embracing everything - good and bad, uplifting and painful - that the soul evolves and our inner strength becomes manifest.